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    Psicologia Clínica  
            Changing Thoughts, Changing Lives …™
"Evolution... As strange as it may seem, it is an implicitly central concept in the entire psychological process: the constant evolution of both the Patient and the Psychologist. In a way, we follow a little the laws long established by Darwin's theory: characteristics are selected that must be incremented for a better psychological experience and these are the ones that must occupy the mental ecological niche of each Patient, in other words, his microcosm. With natural selection (here also influenced by an external agent), the Patient it begins to introduce movement into its mental structure and begins to evolve, not always in the sense that we understand evolution to mean, on a positive side, but rather in the sense of starting to move, to shake what had been rigid before. both Darwin's theory and any law of motion in Physics have to be linked together to explain the complex evolution of the human mind during a therapeutic process. Psychologist, the same thing happens. You essentially adapt and readapt according to the patient's movements and energy, because the total energy is always the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy (also considering friction, which in Psychology only has a different name - resistance). Psychologist and Patient are likewise a complex and interconnected system that only makes sense if they complement each other and function as one. The psychologist will be lucky enough to spend his life learning, having the obligation to always seek to adapt and never force the patient to adapt to him...[...]" André Patrício, 2007 Founding Member

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André Patrício -

The "Schema" Concept in Psychology

Schema in Psychology is, in a simplified way, a mental structure that represents some aspects of the world, being therefore an effective - and fundamental - tool for understanding this same world. There are, of course, a series of Schemas (Schemas), which turn out to be a structured set of preconceived ideas, which are applied in all fields of our life, as a way of facilitating a behavioral or cognitive response (that is, help us deal with the environment on a daily basis). What is really interesting is how, in therapy, the understanding of the Schemas (Schemas) used most frequently in everyday life to deal with their adversities - or just simple events - can be translated into the understanding of which Schemas (Schemas) that cause suffering or limitation to the patient, often translating into dysfunctional cycles, which tend to perpetuate.

The Psychology

Psychology is, by definition, the Science that studies the Behavior (observable activity) and the mental processes of an individual. Within Psychology there are several branches, in the Schema Offices, all our professionals are directed to Clinical Psychology. The most common question always turns out to be: How can Clinical Psychology help me? One way to understand the answer will be if we use an example that is generally common to all human beings and their lives: the existence of barriers or adversities that we find, nowadays, in an almost constant way, in any of the spheres of our life. In general, we all have ways of dealing with these adversities, but sometimes, signs of stress, anxiety, depression begin to appear, these are concepts that, nowadays, are part of our lives on a daily basis. This also means that we are not living our life to its full potential, we are, in a word, losing degrees of freedom. Why miss them? Because we are no longer able to live to our full potential, we start to invest time in cyclical ruminations, in physical and psychological discomfort and in many situations we can even become unwilling to do anything, in a state commonly called apathy. This is an example of where Clinical Psychology can intervene: sometimes helping to develop tools that we already have but that we don't use properly and therefore are not as effective, and sometimes teaching techniques that help create new tools. In a way, this means that Clinical Psychology helps to increase the psychological and consequently physical quality of life. In our Offices we have professionals with different types of approaches, always with one goal in mind: to create a perfect synergy between therapist and who seeks it. Our diversity of training aims to always find the ideal therapist for each person, regardless of the problem that brought them to us, regardless of age and regardless of need. Because Clinical Psychology is clearly at the service of human beings, it makes perfect sense that it is used to improve their quality of life. The example given above is just one that shows one of a series of factors that we have to deal with on a daily basis, and in this specific case one that turns out to be a by-product of the way we currently live, but many other examples could be given. The main idea to retain is that we are at a point in our evolution as a species in which we have the ability to act on psychological discomfort, in order to increase our degrees of freedom, always with the aim of achieving a better quality of life. And honestly... you owe it to yourself! On a more personal note, nowadays we find an enormous amount of information in places like the internet or others, where we tend to look for what is going on with us when we are not feeling well. In these moments, we usually find so much information that we are inevitably more lost and often scared. Look for someone who, with their training, can really help you, starting with calming your fears, understanding you, intervening with you to increase your quality of life. If you have a tool like Psychology at your disposal, honestly, use it. Changing thoughts (or ways of thinking) we change lives... Always looking for total satisfaction with yourself and your life, whatever the basis of what is making you feel less happy, look for us today at day, it is something that more than supposed, it is really expected...
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